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【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120更多詳細的資訊這邊請:
- 品號:2328782
- GUI簡易設定介面
- 同時支援SIP & H.323
- 具有DHCP Server、N
- 具有2~4埠Switch功能
- 具有QoS語音優先功能
ALLWIN Gateway H1120特色
•Support 1 port or 2 ports VoIP calls simultaneously.
•Depends on different needs, we offer FXS and FXO/PSTN interface.
•Compliant with SIP / H.323 VoIP standard.
•1 WAN + 1 LAN
•Register up to 4 SIP Proxy Server or H.323 Gatekeeper simultaneously.
•Can be register to server by all ports share single account or each port using different account.
•Routing different VoIP server or peer to peer connection by different routing setup.
•IP's configuration of WAN / LAN can be programmed via phone sets.
•Support 3 way conference call.
•Online line condition diagnosis report function, support GR-909
•Support connected type : Static IP, dynamic IP from DHCP, PPPoE.
•Friendly Web UI
•Support Audio codec : G.711a-law, G.711u-law, G.723.1, G.726, G.729, G.729A
•LED signal showing status of power, line, VoIP, and registerd.
•Support APS(Auto Provision Server)
•Support QoS for VoIP and G.168 (Digital network echo canceller).
•Support NAT in Broadband Route, Firewall, DHCP Server.
B.同時最多可註冊到四組系統平台, 且可靈活設定為相互備援或個別號碼指定平台路由撥打模式.
E.網路電話撥入時, 可指定單一埠位或多埠位接聽電話.
G.可以具有逃生口機制或設備無電源時by pass機制, 及語音提示功能(H1111p/H3000/H516SO).
H.網路頻寬管理功能, 以能確保本機的VoIP對外通訊頻寬.
I.具有call log功能, 能將設備通訊時之通訊狀況(call log)導出到某一台電腦, 以作障礙排除.
J.設備電話介面具有外部過電壓(180V)及過電流( 120m A)保護機制, 以降低線路異常電源竄入而造成設備之損壞.
K.支援Auto Provision Server與TR069的遠端管理機制.
M.具有Router / Bridge的網路功能.
N.具有時控器功能, 可以限定設備送出特定字頭號碼的通話時間, 及斷線前之提醒功能.
O.具有收/送DTMF或FSK(ETSI/BELL)的Caller ID功能.
P.可以利用電話機做設定或聽取設備之WAN/LAN IP位址功能.
Q.非SOC(System on Chip) Solution.
˙同時支援SIP & H.323通訊協定
˙提供1/2/4/8類比電話與T1/E1 PRI數位介面
˙提供話機設定 & 聽取WAN/LAN IP Address
˙具有DHCP Server、NAT與Firewal功能
˙支援DHCP Client/固定IP/PPPoE之WAN端網路環境
˙最多可同時支援4個SIP Proxy Server/GK及做點對點通訊
?Support 1 port or 2 ports VoIP calls simultaneously.
?Depends on different needs, we offer FXS and FXO/PSTN interface.
?Compliant with SIP / H.323 VoIP standard.
?1 WAN + 1 LAN
?Register up to 4 SIP Proxy Server or H.323 Gatekeeper simultaneously.
?Can be register to server by all ports share single account or each port using different account.
?Routing different VoIP server or peer to peer connection by different routing setup.
?IP's configuration of WAN / LAN can be programmed via phone sets.
?Support 3 way conference call.
?Online line condition diagnosis report function, support GR-909
?Support connected type : Static IP, dynamic IP from DHCP, PPPoE.
?Friendly Web UI
?Support Audio codec : G.711a-law, G.711u-law, G.723.1, G.726, G.729, G.729A
?LED signal showing status of power, line, VoIP, and registerd.
?Support APS(Auto Provision Server)
?Support QoS for VoIP and G.168 (Digital network echo canceller).
?Support NAT in Broadband Route, Firewall, DHCP Server.
【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120
商品網址: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2328782&memid=6000007496&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league
【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120推薦,【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120討論,【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120比較評比,【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120開箱文,【ALLWIN 全穎】網路電話 專用閘道器 Gateway H1120部落客
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